Strategic Planning
We bring an “outside-in” set of eyes and perspectives to complement your inside-out point of view when it comes to goal setting and keeping score. We collaborate closely with you to come up with game plan to ensure internal alignment and external support for your business. We understand that it is a disciplined effort that produces fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what your organization is, who you serve, what you do and why you do it all with a focus on the future. Through a proven landscape assessment process, we will build out a strategy roadmap and complement that with competitive intelligence insights and toolkits to help articulate not only where you are going and the actions needed to make progress, but also how you will know when successful.
Our Three Phase Strategic Planning process is the foundation of a solid strategic plan:
Strategic Planning Phase 1: Dialogue & Diagnose
2 WEEKS – In this strategic planning phase, we ask clients to 1) clarify with our consulting team and other stakeholders their vision and goals for the engagement, 2) surface different assumptions that may be driving the work, and 3) landscape assessment on the current state of their affairs, which includes auditing existing activities, executive interviews, analyzing patterns and coming to new data-driven conclusions about the work.
Strategic Planning Phase 2: Design & Decide
2 WEEKS – In the design phase, we present the landscape findings in a workshop format to ensure proper alignment and feedback loops. This will address the client’s beliefs about the “what”, “why”, and “how” (i.e. strategies and tactics) of the complex changes and simple decisions they decide to make. Sometimes the workshop takes the form of a wargaming exercise, where competitive intelligence insights and simulation outputs inform next steps. The workshop always leads to a bias for action plan – which drives clients to succinctly clarify goals and outcomes, prioritize key stakeholders and investments, define success metrics, and agree to a coordinated set of actions that accelerate faster implementation and learning.
Strategic Planning Phase 3: Act & React
FROM 6 MONTHS – ONGOING – In this phase of the work, we coach and train our clients to create simple structures and processes that support more efficient coordination, communication, collaboration, and learning as they implement and experiment with the changes they seek to make over 12, 24 and 36 months. We supply clients with frameworks, methods and tools to help them eradicate counterproductive behaviors that slow down change and adopt new mindsets and behaviors that support better decision-making and greater internal alignment.
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